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First off let me start off by saying i love my wife! So yesterday the wife and i went cp shopping and this is what we came home with. Enjoy!!!

Green ampularia

Tentaculata murud


Gentle (maxima x fusca)

These last 3 are my faves!!! :banana2: :boogie:
Robcantleyi x hamata

Bicalcarata (sri aman)

Bicalcarata (marudi)
I'm glad you didn't pay $400 for the bicalcarata. :lol:
oh man, maybe it's time i take that 2 hour and 30 minutes drive ........ meh. I hear they have more stuff in store than online. All those plants looks beautiful ohhh my gooshshshshhshshshshs
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California carnivores now sells N. bicalcarata and Tentaculata murud ? I need to go up there more often.
We bought the last bicalcaratas, rob x hamata, and amp. But they said next week theyre bringing out a whole bunch of new stuff.
Thanks ps3 and yes they have alot more instore.
Love bicalcarata! Unfortunately, gets too big and needs conditions I would not be able to provide. So I will just live vicariously through others.
You're not keeping these plants all in the same tank, right? Some (bicalcarata) have very different climate needs than others (tentaculata), for example.
  • #11
Nope I have several tanks. I'm going to see if I can slowly acclimate all these plants and hopefully get them in all together.
  • #12
Nope I have several tanks. I'm going to see if I can slowly acclimate all these plants and hopefully get them in all together.

As mentioned, some of your species have very different temperature requirements, so if you try to grow them all under the same conditions you are sure to have disappointing results with some of the plants. These temperature requirements are not something they can acclimate out of. You have the lowland species (such as bicalcarata and ampularia) which grow best in very warm and humid conditions, ideally kept above 70 or 75 degrees at all times, with much higher daytime temperatures (80s and 90s); and you have some highland plants (such as diatas, tentaculata and robcantleyi x hamata) which will require more moderate temperatures (kept below 80 or 85 degrees tops) with a nightly temperature drop into at least the low 60s F, if not in the 50s, for best growth.

Nice plants though. Hope they do well!
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  • #13
Ok perfect, my room is ambiently 70 - 75 daytime and under the lights its on average 83- 88. Night temps usually drop to about 60 -65. I have reptiles and fish tanks and everything is on a timer and thermostat so its pretty consistent. Thank you richjam, I will make sure to keep the HL and LL separate and keep them accordingly.
  • #14
I hope you know that bicarcaratas are one of the largest plants in the species.
Reported in the wild, they can grow 30 meters +

I know a few members here that have grown them wider than 5 feet.
  • #15
Did not know that... Looks like i need a bigger house. Thanks nemjones.
  • #16
As mentioned, some of your species have very different temperature requirements, so if you try to grow them all under the same conditions you are sure to have disappointing results with some of the plants. These temperature requirements are not something they can acclimate out of. You have the lowland species (such as bicalcarata and ampularia) which grow best in very warm and humid conditions, ideally kept above 70 or 75 degrees at all times, with much higher daytime temperatures (80s and 90s); and you have some highland plants (such as diatas, tentaculata and robcantleyi x hamata) which will require more moderate temperatures (kept below 80 or 85 degrees tops) with a nightly temperature drop into at least the low 60s F, if not in the 50s, for best growth.

Nice plants though. Hope they do well!

Agreed. Your rob x hamata won't like the same conditions as the bicals
  • #17
Nope I have several tanks. I'm going to see if I can slowly acclimate all these plants and hopefully get them in all together.

That's not a good plan; several of those plants will be very unhappy if forced to submit to sub-optimal temperatures.