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My new VFTsa

My new VFTs

King Henry

Green Dragon

Low Giant

They are in a mini bog with two temperate sundews.

ETA: can someone please get rid of the "a" a the end of the thread title? Can't see how to do it myself...
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Ooh, lovely plants! If you go Advanced to edit you can change the title. I think. I've never personally found need to, so I could be wrong.
Yay! Thank you, it worked!

And thanks for the compliment on the plants. I am very excited to watch them grow.
So "Green Dragon" is Red?
thats bizarre..
who did the naming on that one? :0o:

The edges of the traps are green. As I understand it, there is some debate about whether Green Dragon is a genetic mutation of Red Dragon or a hybrid of Red Dragon.

Either way, I love this plant...
So "Green Dragon" is Red?
thats bizarre...

Yeah..."Green Dragon" plants are (unfortunately) hard to differentiate from "Akai Ryu" plants that don't get enough light to turn all red and thus are almost always sold as "Red Dragon" plants. The plant is still red, but its traps' rims are green. It makes for a striking contrast!