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My Little Seedlings.

lil hokie

heatherfeather knows the weather!
I just wanted to post a quick shot of my Dente seedlings. There are now 11! Woo!

That would be a dime for scale.


Close up.


These were taken on June 27th. Not much has changed since then but their numbers (from 9 to 11).
Awesome! I cant grow vft's at all because of my job (fulltime vft killer) so thats great that your seeds germinated! Hope they grow nice and big for you :)
Oops! I forgot this close up as well!!


Look at those adorable little traps. I'm so proud!
Congrats! They look great!
Thank you! It is my first time growing from seed. I am also doing sundews and sarrs as well.
OMG, just too cute! Good job. So fun watching the little ones grow, isn't it? Can't stop staring at mine every spring when they start popping up in the bog.
so cute! congrats!!!
Great job! Be careful when it comes time to separate them.
  • #10
You know, I have never been able to get my Dente to set seed, and can't figure out why.
  • #11
Nice job :)

Theses lil guys are so cute :p

I had to share mine here haha

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/dals09/7497465974/" title="dionea green dragon de dals009, sur Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8004/7497465974_1f103e4383.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="dionea green dragon"></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/dals09/7497467508/" title="dionea akai ryu de dals009, sur Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8284/7497467508_a9f1d5ae66.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="dionea akai ryu"></a>

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  • #12
Yours are so very much bigger than mine!! I'm jealous.
  • #13
Congrats lil hokey - and Maiden, too. 'Such healthy-looking little vfts!
  • #14
Thanks Bluemax! I hope you are doing well and all your plants of course.
  • #15
Lil hokie: my seedlings are older, its normal! Yours gonna grow! Dont worry haha :) your seedlings are so cute.
And sorry for the pictures i post here, its your thread. Im just too proud of my seedlings ! Hehe

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  • #16
nice lil seedlings hokie :) mine are about the same size atm. sowed about two months ago. Its so fun seeing tiny tiny traps pop open on plants that are so juvenile
  • #17
Hey man :)

Of course, and its so addictive, i think i will do this each spring!
  • #18
i've been trying my hand at nepenthes seeds now that i have had the enjoyable success of sundew and VFT germination. Its proving to be a bit tougher :p
  • #19
It's quite alright! I enjoyed your pictures as well. Are yours inside under lamps? Mine are growing outdoors under a "seedling shelter" with Sarr seeds and sundew seeds.
  • #20
MylesG: the germination is harder, but the nepenthes seedling are very cute:)

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