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lighting for a single nep at the office

i am wanting to take a nepenthes to work, but my office has no light, except flouresent, and there is a window in the shared area that gets good sunlight till about 1:00pm. So i was hopeing to get some advice on lighting solutions for a single plant without having to get a 2 or 4ft light. Or do you think the roughly 6hrs of sun would be good engouh. I have not settled on a particular plant yet, but i have a n. ventricosa hybrid that i was thinking may be more forgiving than a species. Any suggestions would be helpful.
All of my plants grow on my windowsill and get 4ish hours of direct light and the rest of the day sorta bright light and they seem fine. Just watch out for your plant, direct sun and close to the window can be too hot/intense and the leaves may burn a bit.
What species is it?
Six hours direct sunshine is fine imho. But also I have a tank at work with some Nepenthes and Petiolaris dews that's under a (under Av8tor1's suggestion) 26w cfl daylight bulb under one of those cheap Home Depot utility light domes. My plants look amazing under it, and the tank cools off when the light is off - I keep it on a timer to turn on at 6am and off at 9pm.
Oh haha I didnt see that in your original post :blush: my bad. I agree with thez though, but maybe not even a tank if you wanna keep it really simple but still have a bit more light. Just a growth light that you can put over the plant would even be helpful and the occasional misting. A ventricosa hybrid should do just fine under those conditions.
I grew a ventrata under a 26w CFL with a clamp-on reflector for a couple years, did fine. No tank.