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Keep the National Zoo's Invertebrate House Open! (please?)

Yesterday, I was pretty slow to get out of bed, typical Saturday for me, stayed up to the wee hours of the morning the night before, playing video games. Then, my parents mentioned going to the National Zoo, and I'm up (relatively) quickly. I always loved going there as a kid, and I still do! My favorite exhibit has always been their Invertebrate House, with the big cats as a close runner up. So you can imagine i was not happy when my mom told me that the exhibit would be closing, and today would be the last day it would be open! I enjoyed seeing my favorite exhibit, in spite of it's imminent demise, but while I was there, I was talking to a woman who works there, and I found out that there was still some hope. Apparently, the closure of the Invertebrate House is not a 100 percent done-deal, and there is now a petition to save it, and show that there are plenty of people who find invertebrates to be fascinating, and they are worth having their own exhibit. So, if you feel that it is a worthy cause, please go to Change.org and sign the petition to keep the National Zoo's Invertebrate House open.


Note: I'm not trying to demand that you sign it or anything, I just thought that some people on here would feel that it is a worthy cause, and I wanted to do my part to spread the word about this. I hope this thread doesn't get labeled as spammy and get deleted, but if it does, oh well, that's Andy's choice
This is so important! Children (as well as adults) must learn about these amazing animals!
Even if you don't like inverts, your plants have evolved to eat them, so (at the very least) do it for the plants!
This is so important! Children (as well as adults) must learn about these amazing animals!

I know, right? I'm glad you agree!

But did ya sign the petition? :p
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