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Just collected 70 VFT plant's with various cultivars ...

Hi everyone
I drove 5hrs one way to obtain this collection of cultivars. I don't think all are named as they should be... So I'll be posting photo's for some positive ID of the cultivar.





Not a bad collection... I think...
Wow! Very pretty. :D
Looks good :-D congrats
There's a lot of plant's here believe me!
Yes, congrats Noddy!

What happened to the original grower/owner?

Good Growing,
JACKPOT! Congrats on getting them!
Good score, you wont be able to get positive ID's from a visual inspection though
Looks like you have a few other CPs in there as well. Nice acquisition.
:-O wow! That's a crazy
  • #10
Seeing as how this thread is ancient, I think it's about time for an update!