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Is this a seedling?! 0_o

I decided to check on some seeds I had sown July 7th that I received from a generous grower. N. (thorelii x tiveyi) x truncata and this is the first green thing I've seen on the media!! would this be a nepenthes seedling? I hope so! I didn't want to sound too excited and find out is some weed lol.. I apologize for the bad quality.


its kinda hard to tell but I dont think so. Sorry :(
Give it time though, I could be wrong.
I hope I didn't give you false hope on FB but now that I look closer it seems it might be algae. Nepenthes seeds are odd and even though yours were fresh when you got them they may take a little longer and not have as high germination rates because of the fact that they are crossed with 5 species. Don't worry if you don't get any seedlings its ok... Nepenthes seeds are iffy and it may be the batch you have that depends on if they will germinate or not. There's always more seeds in the making ;).
It's far too small to be a Nepethes seedling, not to mention it's morphology being totally wrong. It looks like a liverwort to me.
ow no! :-( oh well I keep waiting and see then hehehe