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Is this a good pot for my Pings?

Hey guys! I was told not to use clay pots with CPs because they release harmful minerals over time. But isn't ceramic pottery made out of clay? Does it really matter if the outside of the pot is glazed or not? I'm just trying to figure out if I should repot my pings into this pot:


I've been using a pot too tall for my Pings so the soil has been drying out too much. I don't want them to go back to sleep but I'm wasting A LOT of water keeping the soil just right for them...

Is it safe for my Pings to be repotted into the bonsai pot someone gifted me?
I believe it should be fine, but the ping experts should put more info in.
When using a clay pot it's best to have the inside glazed as well, although I don't think that it makes too much of a difference. I've had my pings in a similar pot and they're happy as clams. That bonsai pot will look killer with some pings in it too!
From what I've heard Pings are pretty tolerant of minerals in their soil. They should be fine. Nice pot, the plants will look great in it!
Yay! That's great to hear! My friend gave it to me and I was worried I'd have to give the pot back! Thanks guys! =D
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Here are Piro and Lau in their new home. Hopefully they don't go into shock from the transplant...

ooo... im too late. yes, it shouldnt matter as much for pings, but if you're super paranoid (like me) i would use a thin sheet of plastic (like a clear garbage bag) to line up the pot and put my media into that.
Don't worry about the pot. Once the pot has gone through the second (glaze) firing, and is no longer terracotta, it cannot absorb or release water or minerals. If it has any glaze on it, it's fine. And yes, Mexican pings are more tolerant of hard water, so terracotta may still work for them too.
  • #10
That bonsai pot shouldn't cause any harm to your mexi-pings.

I sometimes will add akadama clay to my pings, when I think of it or if I have some readily available.


  • #11
So what i'm hearing here is that terracotta pots are generally a no-no for cps? glad i read this thread, i probably would have used them eventually otherwise! and that bonsai pot is really pretty.
  • #12
I heard clay was bad for them that's why I had to ask. Also thanks! My friend was going to throw it away! Can you believe that? Thankfully, they asked if I wanted it first! *phew!*
  • #13
Terracotta can be a good choice for some Mexican pings, and is the preferred choice for Drosophyllum, but for those CP's who love lots of water, it's a bad idea.