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I don't have a flower picture...


Tropical Fish Enthusiast
..but could this be a Tarnok?

Extremely difficult to tell a 'Tarnok' from pitcher traits alone (I would recommend not even bothering). Especially since 'Tarnok' was a wild leucophylla to begin with--it will look just like any other leuco. Then factor in differences in lighting/nutrition and other growing conditions and it becomes basically impossible.

Cultivar description does not mention pitcher traits: http://www.carnivorousplants.org/cpn/Species/v22n4p107_108.html

Here's my giant clonal colony:

You can see all different manner of redness, white lips, red lips, some have more green, etc.
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If nothing else, from the neck up, it looks right. I did have a Tarnok in my collection, as well as other pitcher plants. Tag have faded or been lost.
'Tarnok' pitchers are pretty much indistinguishable from your run-of-the-mill S. leucophylla. You'll just have to wait for flowers to be sure.

This is one of my no-location S. leucphylla spring pitchers and the flower from about a month and a half earlier


I had the same problem, the labels fell off of divisions of 'Tarnok' and regular S. leucphylla. I gave them away telling the recipient that it might be 'Tarnok' and they would know when it flowered.
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I'm finding that writing the names in pencil, albeit light compared with Sharpie, stays on the tags.