Hi Dante,
It really depends on what you're trying to grow and where you setup will be housed. For example, you won't need as much artificial light output if your plants a sitting next a window compared to growing them in a basement.
I'll try to answer your questions below and give you a few examples of how I grow some of the plants you mentioned.
1.Do two 1600 lumen bulbs together result in 3,200 lumens? Or are lumens not cumulative
Yes, lumens are cumulative.
2. Do lumens even matter? And if they do , would these lights be sufficient by themselves?
Lumens do matter. And the example you gave above would be sufficient, say for a small plant. CFLs are very good for small starter plants in my experience. They're great for targeting light in one direction or small area. It's when you have tall plants or larger specimens when it's good to have some tubular lights that can spread across a larger surface.
3. If not, what (cheaper) lights would you recommend? These are for a single terrarium filled with a few potted plants..approx. 2' x 1.5' x 1' (very inaccurate guess..I'll mesure later)
For your small terrarium CFLs may be a good choice if they're the only light available. I wouldn't recommend putting a small terrarium like that next to a window. You'll end up with baked goods
Here is what I use and received good results. My 'grow rack' is next to a west facing window with a thin curtain draped to defend against the scorching heat rays. Since the window only gets the hottest sun in the late afternoon I supplement with two 32W 6500 K T8s. How do you like all those numbers
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovetskjeff/9658100178/" title="Untitled by sovetsk.jeff, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2841/9658100178_2528693551_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Untitled"></a> Bought these as Wal-Mart
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovetskjeff/9658098460/" title="Untitled by sovetsk.jeff, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5500/9658098460_b556fd35c1_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Untitled"></a> You can see I grown Nepenthes, Cephalotus, Heliamphora, and Sarracenia seedlings with this setup.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovetskjeff/9654872539/" title="Untitled by sovetsk.jeff, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3665/9654872539_15ce0e04bc_z.jpg" width="480" height="640" alt="Untitled"></a> A primary example of when a CFL is perfect is for targeted light like this micro terrarium with my Nepenthes Veitchii