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Hello from Michigan

Hello everybody,
My name is Cory I have been growing carnivorous plant for awhile and I know just enough to help some and be dangerous to others lol
I have been lurking around for awhile and figured I should join in on the fun.
Always happy to see other Michiganders popping up.
Welcome to the addiction..
I had fun hanging out today. Was nice having someone to talk plants and greenhouses with..
You're welcome to come back over anytime you'd like.
Heck, 1 or 2 more of us and we could start up a MCPS (Michigan Carnivorous Plant Society).
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I'll take that as a challenge :).

Welcome Cory (from Virginia)!
Don't forget to update your grow list! It'll help you remember the names of everything I sent you home with.
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Welcome to TerraForums! It's great to hear that you've decided to join in on the "fun", as you put it. Maybe it's fun for us, but not so much for some tiny arthropods... :p

Oh, well, welcome to the forums!
Welcome to TF!
Welcome to TF!
Thanks everyone.
Kinda Lost track of this thread lol.
Growing away here. As is my growlist.