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Hello from Columbia, Missouri!

I've been growing CP's for several years, mostly Sarracenia sps. and a few VFTs and sundews. I've been living in the shadows reading the forum without contributing for a couple of months, I figured I might as well jump in. By reading some of the threads, I gleened some very insightful information, from a very diverse, knowledgeable group.
Welcome to TF!
HUZZAH! Another Missourian. I am from and currently living in Dexter near the Bootheel, but I went to college and lived in Kirksville for several years. I still have many friends in Columbia.

I, too, focus mostly on Sarracenia. Perhaps we finally have a Missouri group in the making. *fingers crossed*

Thanks Corey, hopefully things will be coming out of dormancy soon so I can post a few pics.