Enthusiastic Enthusiast
I mentioned this in my introductory post, but this plant has still not shown any new growth. It's been in full sun for the last 2 months at least, but the leaves, despite being damaged, were vivid green with some pastel reds at the hood. Now this is happening:
The W, S, E, at the bottom of the photo is to show which direction gets dawn / afternoon sun. The darker part is oddly facing the direction I would think gets more diffused light for a few hours. It gets about a full 12 hours a day, so I...just...don't get it.
I'm starting to think I'm killing it somehow. It's in a shallow, undrained pot, if you can't tell from the photos, but I didn't expose the roots when I re-potted after receiving it, just pulled away some extra lfs, and left the roots in the lfs it was shipped in. An S. rubra in the same bowl seems to be thriving.
Are these leaves dying or what?
The W, S, E, at the bottom of the photo is to show which direction gets dawn / afternoon sun. The darker part is oddly facing the direction I would think gets more diffused light for a few hours. It gets about a full 12 hours a day, so I...just...don't get it.
I'm starting to think I'm killing it somehow. It's in a shallow, undrained pot, if you can't tell from the photos, but I didn't expose the roots when I re-potted after receiving it, just pulled away some extra lfs, and left the roots in the lfs it was shipped in. An S. rubra in the same bowl seems to be thriving.
Are these leaves dying or what?