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Formal Introduction

I figured that if I wanted to start being more active on terraforums, it would be a good idea to formally introduce myself. My name is Ivan Lacroix and I am 15 years old. I started growing carnivorous plants when I was 11 when I first read a book about cps in my science class. Ever since then my collection has been growing. I live in NYC and the biggest factors that limit my cp collection (sadly) are heat in summer, and my parents that don't want tons of plants or lights in the small apartment we live in lol. Obviously I still try to fit every possible cp that I can within the space I have, and my collection is still growing. Although I usually don't post I've been reading on terraforums for years. I've probably spent days doing research and reading experiments other people have done on this site, so it's not like I am a complete stranger to this site. I'm looking forward to meeting new people!

Thank you for the formal introduction, Ivan. Glad to have you here. I hope you feel able to participate more now that you've gained some experience :)
Welcome, formally, to the forum. If you haven't caught wind of it yet the NECPS isn't too far away from NY, it may be worth the drive to come to a meeting or two, we have some in CT sometimes that might not be too bad. You could try to carpool as well.
Would to like formally welcome you to the forum Ivan.

From Nevada