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Forked sundew root cuttings for devil's claw seed

I tried to give away a bunch of D. binata dichotoma (Giant Staghorn) root cuttings and I found homes for about 2/3 of them. So maybe I can trade some more away.

Does anyone have any Devil's Claw seeds? I grew some a few years ago, but my daughters gave the pods away to all their friends and teachers. Recently my youngest daughter has been bugging me to grow some more.

Devil's Claw seed for a bunch of D. binata dichotoma (Giant Staghorn) root cuttings anyone?

And you can make other offers for trades as well -- Drosera seed or root cuttings for example. But somebody please please please have some Devil's Claw seed!:hail:
I am also interested in trading some of the forked sundew root cuttings for a plug of U. sandersonii.
I have lots of Devil's Claw seed... somewhere. If your not still looking for that, I won't look either though ;-)
I have both the black and white along with a bunch of Sarr I was going to sell last year but I can trade them now they are starting to wake up.
IronTom I found some Devil's Claw from another member. Thank you though.

Phil1 what do you mean "I have both the black and white"? Are there black and white Devcil's Claws?
There is a white seeded form with really long pods Proboscidea parviflora hohokamiana and the black seeded form with shorter pods Proboscidea louisianica. There is also a yellow flowered form lutea.