For Trade: Nepenthes Anamensis(smilesii) 2 growth points
seems they may be one in the same...anamensis/smilessii
I am kinda on the fence about this one.....i kinda do want to trade it, i kinda don't but I do not have much room left in my lowland terrarium and there are many more lowland neps i find more desirable. As you can see it is a rooted cutting with 2 growth points. I am looking for either pure lowland or lowland x lowland hybrid nepenthes or maybe a sarracenia.
seems they may be one in the same...anamensis/smilessii
I am kinda on the fence about this one.....i kinda do want to trade it, i kinda don't but I do not have much room left in my lowland terrarium and there are many more lowland neps i find more desirable. As you can see it is a rooted cutting with 2 growth points. I am looking for either pure lowland or lowland x lowland hybrid nepenthes or maybe a sarracenia.

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