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Flower Watch 2014

S. flava hybrid. probably flava x rubra

Most advanced of my flowers for this year. i see lots of marbles here and there.
All of my Sarracenia are buried under snow right now. I think you beat everyone to the party by 3 months.
It's time for the sarrs to bloom in Hawaii, giving the rest of us hope for springtime. I like the first one best. 'Nice blending of pink and yellow.
indeed......I seen the beginnings of a couple flowers in my gh so tomorrow the plan is to put them back outside since it is mild this week but this year I do plan on using my gh to break dormancy in early march and get a head start on the growing season this year.

S. oreophila Sand Mountain #2


S. purpurea ssp venosa var burkii (aka S. rosea) Crestview, FL. Short stalk under 6 inches.
Good looking flowers. Not much action around my way.
  • #10
February 18, 2014

I noticed you cut back all of the leaves and left the flowering stalk. Why? Should I be doing this if my Sarracenia has put up a flower stalk and it's starting to bulge out a little?
  • #11
You'll notice most of the cut back leaves are dead leaves from last season. There is really no reason to cut off a perfectly good, still green and functioning pitcher.
  • #12
xUmlauftiana! The little buds popping up are minor.

  • #13
Only yellow/green flowers so far
S. oreophila × minor

S. oreophila Sand Mountain #2
  • #14
S. leuco x (leuco x purp) flower bud on a rare rainy day:
  • #15
So far I have buds emerging on S. flava var. flava; alata Tyler Co, TX; leucophylla Garcon Point C; 'Matoaka', and strangely minor var. okeefenokeensis Ware Co, GA Clone X. Okay, that last one came in from California, so it's ahead of everyone else.
  • #16
You'll notice most of the cut back leaves are dead leaves from last season. There is really no reason to cut off a perfectly good, still green and functioning pitcher.

Should I be cutting the dead leaves off as it happens or only during a certain time of the season?
  • #17
Should I be cutting the dead leaves off as it happens or only during a certain time of the season?

Most people do it during the winter because there is a greater chance of fungus and bacteria due to the large amount of dead leaves. During the growing season dead leaves aren't really a problem, and it is much easier to trim the dead leaves off all at once in my opinion.
  • #18
Thanks Tanukimo! :)
  • #19

Hybrid in making S. purpurea ssp venosa var burkii Crestview, FL × oreophila Sand Mtn#2


Mystry S. rubra given as alabamensis


S. 'Leah Wilkerson'


S. 'Tarnok'
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  • #20
Can't wait for these (this one?) to open.
S. rubra ssp alabamensis double header. Should I do a "selfie"?