Thanks Eric,
A couple of shots taken in the shade today.
These mexi-pings, when given adequate light, have a faint pink stripe mid-leaf extending out to the fringe of the leaf.
I was able to break apart a couple of these cristata forms into two pieces with my fingers, so there are at least six of these growing in this pot now, along with a couple potential offset prospects that were separated away from a couple of the cristate forms. (a couple shots taken in the sun)
These cristates also form offset growths that retain their cristate pattern, which are then removed and hopefully these will 'catch' and grow into mature cristate forms as well. (top row, centre)
These forms can be propagated by:
a) letting them divide into two on their own
b) breaking the cristate growths into two or more pieces
c) offset cristate growths that were separated from mother plants are looking promising.
d) thus far, single leaf pulls have resulted in typical rosette type growth.