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Drosera lanata - orlenz $20

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Lotsa blue


This is one of the petiolaris complex of sundews. This group of plants requires special conditions to grow successfully. The photo is of the exact plant for bid. It is about 4 inches across and will be shipped bare-root. Winning bidder will pay $6.50 for USPS Priority shipping. Sorry - I will ship to a US address only. If the winner has winning bids on other plants I am offering they need pay for shipping only once. Opening bid is $1.00. I can be contacted through Terra Forums personal mail (pm).
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put my bid in $20

Okay payment of $20 has been made to treasurer at nasarracenia dot .org, Bluemax please send me your paypal and i will pay you the shipping, sorry Robster, you must have bid too late
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Payment for this item has been received by the NASC. You may ship this item when ready!

High bidder: If you haven't already, please contact the donor directly regarding shipping arrangements, including how to pay for any shipping costs if noted in the original post. Please remember to return to this thread to note when the item has been shipped and received so that the thread can be closed appropriately.

Thanks for supporting the NASC this year! :)
  • #10
wow that sucks why didn't it work? :-( it let me bid at 2 mins before it was closed this makes no sense!?
  • #11
wow that sucks why didn't it work? :-( it let me bid at 2 mins before it was closed this makes no sense!?

Hi, Robster_24. I'm sorry you didn't win this auction, but here's a quick explanation as to why your last bid was invalid: From our auction rules, "Bid increments - $20-$49 you may place a bid no lower than $2 above the current bid." Your last bid was just $1 higher than the previous bidder. I hope there aren't any hard feelings here. During the two weeks of the auction, we normally find these invalid bids and strike them, giving you the opportunity to correct the bid if you want the item. But in the flurry of activity toward the end of the auction, there's little we can do to warn bidders about their invalid bids quickly enough before it ended.

  • #12
The plant is in the mail and on its way.
  • #13
Ya, thanks for the explanation. after the auction I saw the rules and felt sooo stupid! anyway no hard feelings, I failed to read that in the rules and I didn't walk away empty handed from the auctions, so im happy. :)
  • #14
This is a reminder to complete this auction. Please post here when payment is made, shipping sent, item shipped and item received.
Thank you.
  • #15
Item has been shipped and received, according to communication with the buyer.
  • #16
Seller indicates that item was delivered so it will be closed. If there is a problem with item please contact a NASC board member.

Auction Closed.
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