I received a few drosera and a dionaea in the mail about 10 days ago.
rotundafolia, capillaris and capensis.
The capensis is doing quite well and has produced 2 new leaves with 4 more on the way. It came with approximately 8 leaves and lost about 3 and of the 5 3 of them lost their cups and the 2 remaining cups do not function past looks. They do not stand erect or produce dew....I decided to leave them to at leave convert sunlight and let them fall off on their own. The plant has just acclimated as of yesterday 1 of the 2 new leaves is producing dew and now the second one is. They are already attracting small insects and turning them into soup. lol.
The dionaea is doing well and has acclimated quicker than the capensis but cannot match the rapid growth of the capensis. It lost about 4 ground traps after being potted but has produced 2 functioning vertical traps and a third is on the way. too soon to tell if it is a vertical or ground trap. leaf is very new. I fed one of the original traps a moth.
The rotundafolia didn't fare well in shipping...all but one of it's leaves were broken but not severed. The plan has approximately 6 2 inch leaves on arrival. The remaining leaf has lost it's cup and is only about 3/8 of an inch of it is still green. There is another leaf that about 1/10 of an inch remains green.
Will this thing recover? and if so, how long til it starts making new leaves?
The Capillaris was an infant plant with 4 1/4 inch leaves with traps but didn't look broken at all but it lost all of them and now all that remains is 1 leaf(no cup).
Will this thing recover? and if so, how long til it starts making new leaves?
rotundafolia, capillaris and capensis.
The capensis is doing quite well and has produced 2 new leaves with 4 more on the way. It came with approximately 8 leaves and lost about 3 and of the 5 3 of them lost their cups and the 2 remaining cups do not function past looks. They do not stand erect or produce dew....I decided to leave them to at leave convert sunlight and let them fall off on their own. The plant has just acclimated as of yesterday 1 of the 2 new leaves is producing dew and now the second one is. They are already attracting small insects and turning them into soup. lol.
The dionaea is doing well and has acclimated quicker than the capensis but cannot match the rapid growth of the capensis. It lost about 4 ground traps after being potted but has produced 2 functioning vertical traps and a third is on the way. too soon to tell if it is a vertical or ground trap. leaf is very new. I fed one of the original traps a moth.
The rotundafolia didn't fare well in shipping...all but one of it's leaves were broken but not severed. The plan has approximately 6 2 inch leaves on arrival. The remaining leaf has lost it's cup and is only about 3/8 of an inch of it is still green. There is another leaf that about 1/10 of an inch remains green.
Will this thing recover? and if so, how long til it starts making new leaves?
The Capillaris was an infant plant with 4 1/4 inch leaves with traps but didn't look broken at all but it lost all of them and now all that remains is 1 leaf(no cup).
Will this thing recover? and if so, how long til it starts making new leaves?