I took some cuttings today and I'm really wanting them to survive so I thought I would check in with you all about some things.
1) I took some cuttings of veitchii and I was wondering what you guys think on cutting the leaves in half like you would with a lot of other species to help retain moisture? I figured since it is veitchii and has such waxy/hairy leaves that it may not be necessary but the leaves are pretty big so maybe I should?
2) I have some clonex gel coming to root with but have them in water at the moment since I heard it can help flush some hormones or something. When I put on the clonex gel and put them in media should I worry about sterilizing the media or should it do fine without? I'm thinking lfs and perlite since that's the mix they'll be grown in eventually. Would prefer live lfs but I don't have any since it would die in my conditions
3) In terms of bagging, is it worth it for cuttings of plants that are used to low humidity? I know it would help with drying out and give them more time to root but could also cause fungus issues which I'd like to avoid. What do you think?
Sorry for all the questions, I know I probably seem like a newbie but I really want these cuttings to strike since they're of great plants. Other cuttings I have taken have usually been of more weedy ventricosa hybrids and such which have all just rooted (or not) in water but don't want to take as much of a risk with these.
1) I took some cuttings of veitchii and I was wondering what you guys think on cutting the leaves in half like you would with a lot of other species to help retain moisture? I figured since it is veitchii and has such waxy/hairy leaves that it may not be necessary but the leaves are pretty big so maybe I should?
2) I have some clonex gel coming to root with but have them in water at the moment since I heard it can help flush some hormones or something. When I put on the clonex gel and put them in media should I worry about sterilizing the media or should it do fine without? I'm thinking lfs and perlite since that's the mix they'll be grown in eventually. Would prefer live lfs but I don't have any since it would die in my conditions
3) In terms of bagging, is it worth it for cuttings of plants that are used to low humidity? I know it would help with drying out and give them more time to root but could also cause fungus issues which I'd like to avoid. What do you think?
Sorry for all the questions, I know I probably seem like a newbie but I really want these cuttings to strike since they're of great plants. Other cuttings I have taken have usually been of more weedy ventricosa hybrids and such which have all just rooted (or not) in water but don't want to take as much of a risk with these.