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Bloodworm Paste?

Hello once again guys!

So I read somewhere that you can make a paste out of dried bloodworms and that it's easier for pings to eat bloodworm paste because it's all soft with less hard bits. Is that true and if it is, how do you make bloodworm paste? Is it just water and ground up bloodworm? What's the ratio?

I'm still having difficulty feeding my pings since there's always a lot of left over bloodworm pieces. (I just grind up the bloodworms betas eat into a fine dust too)! =(
It's a lot easier to feed my VFTs and Droseras with thawed frozen bloodworms than rehydrated freeze-dried bloodworms. I would assume it's easier to make a paste with it too.

The best way to feed pinguicula by hands, is to grind some bloodworms into powder, and dust a bit 2-3 leaves of the plant.

I dont think hydrated bloodworm will be better, because the plant produce his own juice(enzymes), for hydratation and digestion.

Its my personnal experience of course, im not a pinguicula expert!

Hope this help !
i only feed my flytraps with bloodworm paste. Basicly i just add water until its gooey and put a small scoop into the traps

for sundews and pings i get a pinch of dried bloodworms and rub between my fingers until its powder and sprinkle it over the leaves
Vfts and drosera need bigger preys, so bloodworm paste is perfect i agree. But dusting bloodworms powder work better for pinguicula, who need tiny preys.
I dusted them but they won't eat. They won't drool for me. I'm actually tempted to buy live prey instead even though I HATE bugs. Or maybe I could get the bloodworms trapped in the jelly cubes that you thaw out. =x

Bad Piro! Bad Lauena! Jk lol! I just think I'm doing it wron, but I still want to feed them so they get all their nutrition. XD
i feed all my pings freeze dried bloodworms and they seem to love them.
I hate to be a bother, but could someone film how they feed their pings bloodworms and maybe a 30 second reaction? I wanna see if I'm just being a fussy idiot and overreacting. =x
I pulverize the freeze dried bloodworms and sprinkle the powder on the sundew and butterwort leaves. I wonder if misting the leaves, afterward, helps...
  • #10
From my experience, pinguicula take more than 30 seconds to react to a prey !

i dust my dryed blood worm powder on the leaves, and 8-12hrs later i can see many enzyme pool Under each tiny DBW piece.

And i never mist the leaves ! Each time i do that, 2 days later the leaf is dead and dry.
  • #11
mylesG: Its gonna be Detroit vs Boston :)

I dont beleive chicago will win tomorrow. And boston will clean Pittsburgh for sure ! vokoun is not good enough.
  • #12
Hmm...I think I should stop misting mine too. I noticed that when I mist areas with DBW on them the stuff gets really dry and so does the leaf. =O
  • #13
Also remember to.wear plastic gloves when handlig bloodworm alot of people are alergic and will cause a skin rash. I found out the hard way it even says it on the back of the package may cause skin allergies.
  • #14
Can anyone recommend a a spesific brand of DBW?