A leuco by any other name would still be as glutto
Being exceptionally "frugal" (read: meticulously cheap), I have been considering options for repotting this spring. I want to take down several community plantings/mini-bogs and pot out a bunch of Sarracenia separately. I was just about to purchase a bunch of pots from a vendor online when I considered an alternative: foam cups. I have read on other forums that some use these exclusively for Dionaea, and I have even used them for said genus with great success. In fact, all of my Dionaea are currently potted in large, cheap foam coolers.
My lingering question then: how will tall (large) foam cups work for Sarracenia? Anybody have any experience here? The largest rhizomes of course would need larger containers.
My lingering question then: how will tall (large) foam cups work for Sarracenia? Anybody have any experience here? The largest rhizomes of course would need larger containers.