Confused Magikarp
Current official weather conditions:
Temperature: 101 deg F (actual temperature is probably lower because of trees and grass and shade)
Relative Humidity: 13% (actual humidity is probably higher)
Nepenthes receive approximately 2 hours of direct sunlight in the afternoon. I mainly water Nepenthes with tap water. This is their first year growing outdoors.
N. reinwardtiana, N. x'Gentle', N. truncata
N. albomarginata, N. maxima 'Poso', N. 'Miranda', N. x'Ventrata'
Sarracenia receive approximately 4 hours of direct sunlight and 4 hours of filtered sunlight. I also water them mainly with tap water with occasional flushing using reverse osmosis water.
S. flava, S. minor, S. leucophylla, S. 'Cobra Nest', S. 'Scarlet Belle', some hybrids
Temperature: 101 deg F (actual temperature is probably lower because of trees and grass and shade)
Relative Humidity: 13% (actual humidity is probably higher)
Nepenthes receive approximately 2 hours of direct sunlight in the afternoon. I mainly water Nepenthes with tap water. This is their first year growing outdoors.
N. reinwardtiana, N. x'Gentle', N. truncata
N. albomarginata, N. maxima 'Poso', N. 'Miranda', N. x'Ventrata'
Sarracenia receive approximately 4 hours of direct sunlight and 4 hours of filtered sunlight. I also water them mainly with tap water with occasional flushing using reverse osmosis water.
S. flava, S. minor, S. leucophylla, S. 'Cobra Nest', S. 'Scarlet Belle', some hybrids