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A Big Hello From Southern Oregon!

  • Thread starter Oregon VFT
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Ive been reading the forums for quite a while and its great to see a group of people to friendly and active! I really look forward to communicating and trading with you guys!
Hi :wave: welcome :)
welcome from up north
Another west coast person. Welcome
West coast is the best coast!! Welcome to TerraForums :-D
Welcome to TF!
I don't know what they put in the PNW water but it sure makes people enjoy CPs! That water then trickles down the coast & infects a bunch of folks all the way to Thez-ville. What's up with that stuff? :scratch:

Welcome to TF btw --- :lol:
glad to see another Oregonite here....welcome to the madness!!
Greetings from the Wilammette Valley!
  • #10
I don't know what they put in the PNW water but it sure makes people enjoy CPs! That water then trickles down the coast & infects a bunch of folks all the way to Thez-ville. What's up with that stuff? :scratch:

Welcome to TF btw --- :lol:

Yeah, mine comes in super-extra concentrated because there's tons of evaporation along the way. :lol:
  • #11
Mercury is in the water plus gold
  • #12
They've got Cordyceps in their blood vessels.
  • #13
Welcome the the forum!