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2013 Board elections: January 17

Hello, all!

This is the annual notice from the North American Sarracenia Conservancy that it's time for our Board of Directors elections.

Our current Board members are listed here and some of their responsibilities can be found in our bylaws (Article VI). The elections will be held on Thursday, January 17, 2013 at 9 PM Eastern on Skype. Information on how to join our meetings can be found on our website.

Nominations for positions on the Board can be received in this thread or by e-mailing the Board Secretary, Yann Rodenas. Nominees must be members in good standing (paid members of the NASC) and will be notified of their nomination. They can either accept or reject their nomination in private or on this thread.

Nominations will continue to be accepted until the meeting begins at 9 PM on 1/17/2013.
Nominations are still open for Board positions for the NASC! We are particularly looking to fill a vacancy in the Secretary position. If you have any questions about this or any of the Board positions, please feel free to contact me!