TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Natural light levels
March 2014
Bright light all day without direct sunlight on plants.
All of my Neps are in natural light so I took readings using a light meter. The first reading was taken at 10am and by 4pm, the light level has gone up by at least 2000 lux at the shadiest spot and at the...
Grow List (Plants With T Available For Trade)
Czech Giant - T
Emu Point Giant
German Giant
Hummers Giant - T
Phill Mann Clone
Robust - T
Typical - T
Coastal Variety
Mountain Variety - T
Othello (All Green)
B-52 - T
Big Mouth
Hey guys so I decided that posting all my pictures in one boringly named thread didn't give the variety of my collection justice so I'm starting this thread just for my Nepenthes, Heliamphora, Brocchinia, Catopsis and Cephalotus. As of now I don't have any Cephs and I've only got two Heliamphora...
I started growing in 2010. Shown in parenthesis is the date when I got a plant of that species... and still growing..:)
Fuzzytooth (5/12)
Typical (4/12)
albomarginata [male] (5/10)
ampullaria [male] (5/10)
bicalcarata [male] (5/10)
A few people have asked me why I never post pics, maybe I will start to post some if I actually have a topic started. So here's a few to kick things off that I took while watering tonight.
N. treubiana supposed to become like a lowland N. rajah
N. lowii x muluensis (natural hybrid)
alata (Q) x truncata
alata boschiana mimic
alata Pink
alata variegata
alata x khashiana
alata x truncata
albomarginata - Penang Red
albomarginata - Red
albomarginata Green
albomarginata Red Gunung Jerai
albomarginata Red Speckled...
I set up a simple table with most all Nepenthes species broken into the five common categories; ultra-lowland, lowland, intermediate, highland, and ultra-highland. I have based the placement on altitudinal distribution mostly. I also have temperature range at the top of each category.
So I was watering my Nepenthes and discovered I had bought an N. treubiana at some time or other, does anyone else own this? So far the pitchers are quite unspectacular on a 4 - 6" diameter plant or so. I looked it up on CP Photo Finder and just about every pitcher pic is different.... Is this...
Hello all,
I finally have the room and environment to try and grow just about every species of Nepenthes.
If you have any extra of any of the following please let me know. Please email me at jeremiahsplants@comcast.net
N. alba
N. andamana
N. angasanensis
N. beccariana
N. chang
N. danseri
N. alata x truncata (St. Conrad)
N. bicalcarata Sarawak Giant
N. bicalcarata red x merrilliana - 2
N. x Dyeriana (mixta x dicksoniana)
N. echinostoma purple
N. xHookeriana (e) x merrilliana giant
N. lowii x merrilliana giant - 2
N. lowii x truncata Wide Peristome - 2
N. maxima dark x...
I went to check on my Neps today and there was a bloom on my Nepenthes campanulata x thorelii:
As you can see it's a male so if anyone would like to have some of the pollen it should be fresh and ready in a few weeks.
here's a shot of the latest pitcher it made (about 6" tall):
Here's some...
N. hirsuta - never a popular species in collections
N.rafflesiana, N. ampullaria, N. kuchingensis, N. khasiana x viking, N. mirabilis var echinostoma
New additions - N. lowii x campanulata, N. treubiana
Youngsters - N. bentonei, N. adnata, N. longifolia
N. rowanae (assorted forms)
NepNut's Nepenthes Growlist (Updated : 25 Mar 2010)
Nepenthes Species
N. adnata (BE)
N. alata “Surigao” (MT)
N. albomarginata "Cameron Highland" (MT), "Green", "Penang Red" & "Rubra"
N. ampullaria - various varieties
N. bellii “Green” , "Orange"
N. benstonei
N. bicalcarata “Orange”...
NEPENTHES SEEDLINGS (germinated in 2011)
N. inermis
N. beccarriana
N. neoguineensis
N. rafflesiana var. alata
N. pectinata
N. maxima miniature, Lake Poso form
N. alata (t) form
N. albomarginata red seed grown (2)
N. bellii x northiana
N. bellii x thorelii x...
This info came across the VCPS listserver & even though it comes across as blatant spam, anyone who has seen some of his other books & enjoys Nepenthes will cough up the bucks ... The email also had 21 beautiful color pics of Neps - however, I don't know how to share those pics w/o hosting each...
I have attempted to create a list of all the known and currently recognised species of Nepenthes. Of course this list is by no means complete or even exhaustive, but it does give a rough idea of the number of species known. Please let me know if I have missed any species out, or if you have...
Found this cool link:
This plant should be in cultivation. It has lovely raff-like pitchers.
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