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Sarracenia and Heliamphora listed only (at this point). A little messy, but plant info follows the header in order. Available (marked "A") plants are listed first in each section. ID is my collection ID.
The Sarracenia cultivars have pics.
Sarracenia Species
ID Species...
Hi all. I have the following seed available. PM me if interested. I'll trade for any seed/plants just to make it fun, but it's not absolutely necessary.
readii 'Alabama Red'
ahlesii #2 (very nice dark form)
rubra rubra
formosa Charlton County, Georgia
gilpinii 'Big Red' x readii 'Alabama Red'...
Here's what I've got at the moment:
S. x ahlesii 'Black'
x gilpinii 'Big Red'
x readii 'Alabama Red'
rubra rubra
N. gracilis 'Black'
alata 'Flames of Apo' (female)
mirabilis 'Pink/Red' (large plant)
maxima x sanguinea 'Purple'
alata x maxima (female)
'Red Beauty'
D. filliformis...
I have the following available for trade. I'd be looking mainly for Sarrs or heat-tolerant Neps. Most are small, but a decent size. The spectabilis is large.
densiflora x truncata
ventricosa x spectabilis
These are available again along with:
'Hong Kong...
Aldrovanda vesiculosa
A. vesiculosa green tropical *
D. californica coastal*
D. californica mountain
D. muscipula 'Dentate'
D. muscipula SECC Green Swamp form
D. admirabilis
D. binata*
D. burmanii green
D. burmanii...
frogsintn2 growlist as of 9-5-08
P. 'Aphrodite'
P. 'Apasionada'
P. jaumavensis
P. emarginata x cyclosecta
P. gypsicola x moctezumae
P. 'Weser'
P. gigantea x moctezumae
P. moranensis
P. gigantea
P. ehlersiae
P gracilis x moctezumae
S. alata
I have these available for trade:
rubra gulfensis Giant Yellow River, FL
rubra gulfensis anthocyanin free Yellow River, FL
psittacina Giant
leucophylla 'Petite Red' Hwy 98 near Panama City, FL (large plants)
x gilpinii
x moorei Yellow River, FL (large and medium plants)
x 'Georgia Peach'...
Gr8oz's Growlist
*****Always out-of-date due to new arrivals and ongoing inventory*****
* indicates extras available for trade
Akai Ryu
All Green *
Arching Flat Skinny Leaves
Blood Red Traps
Big Jaws x Dente *
Big Mouth *
Big Vigorous
Bohemian Garnet...
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