TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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After a long pause growing plants I recently started againin January 2016. Hopefully the spring will allow me to ramp up slowly and see what species I can grow outside without much trouble.
- D. californica
- D. muscipula typical form
- D. muscipula (sprouted)...
I've had a couple "shots in the arm" with pygmy sundew gemmae and other assorted things, but what was once a thriving collection of butterworts is down to just a few. I am also missing a few basic sundews, like D. adelae, anglica, and aliciae. Here's my current grow list. Those with asterisks I...
Once I was in a store and there was a corner in which some really strange plants were standing.
They shall eat meat or something like that and they are probably dangerous. No risc no fun. I took one of the glistening with the sticky leaves.
About 10 years later ......
As the title states I am wanting to buy wooly sundews. I prefer plants but seeds will do if plants are not available. Any of the following:
D. brevicornis
D. broomensis
D. caduca
D. darwinensis
D. derbyensis
D. dilatato-petiolaris
D. falconeri
D. fulva
D. kenneallyi
D. lanata
D. ordensis
So here is my current grow list
Had to give up on Sarracenia for now because I don't have enough sun anymore because my condo complex put in a huge Ulmus parviflora right in front of my porch.
1 N. ampullaria Red BE
1 N. ampullaria Tricolor SG
1 N. ampullaria...
My Plant List:
sanguina Ulu Kali
x gentle
x ventrata
maxima x trusmadiensis
ventricosa x ephipiata
Lovelock NN5201181 merrilliana hybrid
Caesar NN1250251
Lorraine NN4881048 singalana x boschiana
Predator HCEP112
Heyyy, finally I have some time and took pictures of jars. I apologize for bad quality for it is hard to take good pics through the glass and condensation. I hope you like them:-) Most of them come from seeds from Australia and will be soon replated on propagation media.
drosera ordensis 'Lake...
Seeds * = germination
P. lusitanica
D. regia
D. Ultramafica x spatulata
D. madagascariensis
D. intermedia (France) #4
D. anglica (French Jura Mtns) #3
Drosophyllum (Algeciras) #5 *
Drosophyllum (Los Barrios) #1
Drosophyllum (Picacho) #6
N. (veitchii x boschiana) x...
I have some fresh seeds of N. benstonei 'Bukit Bakar' for trade.
Other seeds are:
N. mirabilis 'Tanah Merah'
D. burmannii 'Taipei'
D. indica 'Pink Flower'
B. liniflora.
I am looking for:
B. aquatica, B. filifolia, B. gigantea, B. guehoi, B. lamellata, B. rorida
Some shots of D sewelliae in flower. The cool sunny days we've been getting are clearly to its liking.
D fulva
D caduca
D kenneallyi coming into flower for the first time
D paradoxa '100km North of Drysdale River Station', with some D indica hitchhikers
D derbyensis
D broomensis...
Drosera falconeri 'Palmerston'.
Drosera ordensis, looking much better in my new setup than it ever used to. The traps are a more intense orange than they appear to be in the photo. I also find this species very difficult to photograph, for some reason, hence the blurring!
Drosera kenneallyi...
S x popei flower
S rubra ssp rubra flower
S leucophylla
Byblis rorida Lake Campion. Lowrie described this as floriferous- he was not exaggerating! My current favourite CP
D closterostigma
D ericksoniae in amongst some other pygmies
D caduca emerging from dormancy. Not the...
A few months back i had posted this pic of D. caduca in it's semi dormant form.
Here it is with a few non dormant leaves!
Of course, i promptly fed the leaves with some bloodworm.
This is considered the ugly duckling of the petiolaris group. I would have to agree!
I thought all might enjoy seeing the many species in the petiolaris complex in one topic.
These are from my collection:
d. fulva
d. broomensis
d. caduca
d. kenneallyi
d. aff ordensis--narrow leaf
d. aff. ordensis--red traps
d. dilatato-petiolaris
d. falconeri
d. petiolaris...
Well I havn't been active on this forum for a long time. I thought I'd post my growlist up here so those who remember me can see that i've progressed from my single VFT
Here's a link to this growlist on the CPUK Forums where I am active: lil_flytrap_KID's Growlist on CPUK
Drop me a PM...
Here's the species from the petiolaris complex called "the ugly duckling".
It's just coming out of it's semi-dormant (i think) state. You can see the new leaves with the traps. The other leaves don't have traps
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