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Would an AC unit help an outdoor GH here in Florida?

I'm sure plenty of hobbyists have asked this question before but I wanted to know for sure before purchasing an AC unit. So I live in St Petersburg FL and day temps are 80s 90's most of the year. winter temps are random; some days going as low as 50 "rarely" & occasionally you get the below 50's but it doesn't last longer than a week. If I want to grow intermedia's do I need an AC Unit to bring temps down every night? Yes I'm investing on a misting system., humidty here in FL is not a problem if anything is too damn humid, lol. I'm planing on having a shade cloth. I'm buying a greenhouse & just want to know if I need to save more money for this unit before I add my nepenthes to the GH.

Thanks in advance.

it would help if you can afford the electric
Thanks Mickey for the input Mickey! Yes I can afford it. I guess my real question is. is it a necessity for the intermedia's or would they adjust to higher night temps?
What your shooting for is a larger temp difference from day to night. More temp difference for UHLs, and less so for LL's.
So for intermediates-HL think around upper 70*s -80*F during the day, with upper 50*s- low 60*s at night.

If you need an AC unit to achieve something within' that range, then... .. .
Uffff! :0o: I'll see if I could manage that. Thanks Mass*
you can also use my idea that i've been toying with. Set the green house a couple feet in the ground. This will cool the house at night and during the day it will help keep the temp from skyrocketing.
Myles, really?
im not talking bout back filling against the greenhouse walls as that would be unsafe but a cinder block wall or poured cement with the greenhouse over it.

The impact won't be that of an A/C but it will save you in electrical costs by running the A/C less often.
Thanks Myles!