So... It's been about a month since moved down to Mississippi for work, though I move back to California at the beginning of August. Today I went out looking for Sarracenia in the wild, and I wasn't disappointed. Only got one species, but it was still great to see it in its natural habitat. Though S. alata tends to have a reputation of looking a bit plain, the ones in this bog came in all sorts of colors, from pale to deep red. Here are some shots of a few of the plants:

This last one was my favorite in the whole bog... Instead of being the regular yellow, green, or orange, this one was a unique tan color with a lot of white on the operculum. I was thinking at first that it might have been a hybrid with S. leucophylla, but as far as I know that species isn't found for quite some distance from this S. alata stand. It was the only plant in the bog that had this color.

Hope you all enjoy! I'll continue the search for the other species in my spare time.

This last one was my favorite in the whole bog... Instead of being the regular yellow, green, or orange, this one was a unique tan color with a lot of white on the operculum. I was thinking at first that it might have been a hybrid with S. leucophylla, but as far as I know that species isn't found for quite some distance from this S. alata stand. It was the only plant in the bog that had this color.

Hope you all enjoy! I'll continue the search for the other species in my spare time.