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Weekly follow-up of my new Neps

Last update: 13/08/2013

So I purchased some Nepenthes plants from Germany and decided it would be nice to keep a photographic record of these little buggers. I always do this to see if the plants are settling in nicely but decided to continue this after it was clear the plants were accustomed to their new surroundings.

Anyway, the plants involved are Nepenthes bicalcarata, Nepenthes inermis, Nepenthes lowii, Nepenthes robcantleyi, Nepenthes singalana and Nepenthes villosa. The Nepenthes robcantleyi was bought later from Poland so it starts at week 8. The idea of this thread will be to add a new photo of every plant every week so that in a few years the entire growth process can be traced back with all it's ups and downs. Once the posts per species get too large I will limit it to a photo for every month. I'll also put every species in a new post to allow the expansion of the posts as the number of photographs grows.

This is how the plants arrived:

and how the N. robcantleyi arrived a few weeks later:

Nepenthes bicalcarata:
April 2013 (week 1)

May 2013 (week 4)

June 2013 (week 8)

July 2013 (week 12)

August 2013 (week 17)

Week 18

Week 20 (missed a week)

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23

Week 24

Week 25
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Nepenthes inermis
April 2013 (Week 1)

May 2013 (Week 4)

June 2013 (Week 8)

July 2013 (Week 12)

August 2013 (Week 17)

Week 18

Week 20

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23

Week 24

Week 25
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Nepenthes lowii:
April 2013 (Week 1)

May 2013 (Week 4)

June 2013 (Week 8)

July 2013 (Week 12)

August 2013 (Week 17)

Week 18

Week 20

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23

Week 24

Week 25
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Nepenthes robcantleyi:
Since this species arrived later it starts at week 8
June 2013 (Week 8)

July 2013 (Week 12)

August 2013 (Week 17)

Week 18 Turned the plant around a bit

Week 20

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23

Week 24 Cut the tendril off after is was partially eaten by a snail which then found its end in the other pitcher

Week 25
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Nepenthes singalana:
April 2013 (Week 1)

May 2013 (Week 4)

June 2013 (Week 8)

July 2013 (Week 12)

August 2013 (Week 17)

Week 18

Week 20

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23

Week 24

Week 25
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Nepenthes villosa:
As you can see this turned out to be 2 small plants closely together
April 2013 (Week 1)

May 2013 (Week 4)

June 2013 (Week 8)

July 2013 (Week 12)

August 2013 (Week 17)

Week 18

Week 20

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23

Week 24

Week 25
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All plants are potted in a mix of live spaghnum moss and perlite and seem to love it so far.

A few pitchers:
First pitcher on the N. robcantleyi opened!

Starting to color up a bit

The peristome, lid and inside have become a very dark burgundy (almost black) by now. I'll post a picture soon

A small but very nice pitcher on the N. inermis

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I really like where this is going. Keep it up!
Awesome thread, I love tagging along for progress :) by the way is that singalana from Tujuh or Belirang?
  • #10
Awesome thread, I love tagging along for progress :) by the way is that singalana from Tujuh or Belirang?

I have no idea. It was bought from Germany and was only labeled as "Sumatra" so no specification.

Feel free to post some pictures of your own plants growth process! They will surely be appreciated.
  • #11
I love the idea of this thread, I can't wait to see their further progress. Man that inermis is a beast, and the lowii seems to be chugging along at a rather fast pace too. What conditions are you growing them in?
  • #12
:bigthumpup:in a couple of years this is going to be a classic thread,great idea
  • #13
I love the idea of this thread, I can't wait to see their further progress. Man that inermis is a beast, and the lowii seems to be chugging along at a rather fast pace too. What conditions are you growing them in?

All the photographed highlanders are in my windowsill setup, which looks like this:

They have moss growing all around them ensuring a humidity that rarely drops below 50% and easily goes up to 80-90% in the evening and night. As you can see on the photograph, which was taken during the hottest time of the day, the relative humidity is still around 60-70%

The window is south-facing which results in the plants getting 3-4 hours of direct sunlight, except for the N. villosa because it might not be able to take so much light (that's why it is the one behind the bar where my thermometer and hydrometer are). The N. villosa only gets some direct sunlight in the early morning and late afternoon. So far most of the plants are really apparently really enjoying the rather large amount of light.

The temperatures during the daytime are 20-30°C (with the occasional spike above 30°C) and 10-17°C during nighttime in the summer. In winter I rely on the central heating to keep the daytime room temperature around 20°C and allow it to drop to 14-17°C at night.

And the bicalcarata is in a separate room in a smaller aquarium because it couldn't handle the nighttime temperature drop:
  • #14
Ahhh I always love shots with lots of live sphagnum :-O looks like they're getting some awesome conditions. Also, very cool that you got two villosa's from one! Man that's got to feel like finding an extra $100 in your pocket.
  • #15
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  • #17
Double update, I also had to move the weekly photographing session forward one day since I no longer have the time on mondays.
  • #18
Massive update, reduced the first 17 weeks to months to save space, also added a few pitcher photographs.