Last update: 13/08/2013
So I purchased some Nepenthes plants from Germany and decided it would be nice to keep a photographic record of these little buggers. I always do this to see if the plants are settling in nicely but decided to continue this after it was clear the plants were accustomed to their new surroundings.
Anyway, the plants involved are Nepenthes bicalcarata, Nepenthes inermis, Nepenthes lowii, Nepenthes robcantleyi, Nepenthes singalana and Nepenthes villosa. The Nepenthes robcantleyi was bought later from Poland so it starts at week 8. The idea of this thread will be to add a new photo of every plant every week so that in a few years the entire growth process can be traced back with all it's ups and downs. Once the posts per species get too large I will limit it to a photo for every month. I'll also put every species in a new post to allow the expansion of the posts as the number of photographs grows.
This is how the plants arrived:
and how the N. robcantleyi arrived a few weeks later:
Nepenthes bicalcarata:
April 2013 (week 1)
May 2013 (week 4)
June 2013 (week 8)
July 2013 (week 12)
August 2013 (week 17)
Week 18
Week 20 (missed a week)
Week 21
Week 22
Week 23
Week 24
Week 25
So I purchased some Nepenthes plants from Germany and decided it would be nice to keep a photographic record of these little buggers. I always do this to see if the plants are settling in nicely but decided to continue this after it was clear the plants were accustomed to their new surroundings.
Anyway, the plants involved are Nepenthes bicalcarata, Nepenthes inermis, Nepenthes lowii, Nepenthes robcantleyi, Nepenthes singalana and Nepenthes villosa. The Nepenthes robcantleyi was bought later from Poland so it starts at week 8. The idea of this thread will be to add a new photo of every plant every week so that in a few years the entire growth process can be traced back with all it's ups and downs. Once the posts per species get too large I will limit it to a photo for every month. I'll also put every species in a new post to allow the expansion of the posts as the number of photographs grows.
This is how the plants arrived:
and how the N. robcantleyi arrived a few weeks later:
Nepenthes bicalcarata:
April 2013 (week 1)
May 2013 (week 4)
June 2013 (week 8)
July 2013 (week 12)
August 2013 (week 17)
Week 18
Week 20 (missed a week)
Week 21
Week 22
Week 23
Week 24
Week 25
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