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Up for trade: N. ventricosa X aristolochioides

I have three plants of the BE release of N. ventricosa X aristolochioides, and I don't need three, so this one is up for trade:


As you can see, this is a mature plant, but what you can't see in the plant photo is the basal shoot that's hiding at the bottom. Expect a plant that produces multiple growth points as it ages. It's quite nice, but I just don't need three.
I am very interested, but unfortunately I neither have the means to grow it nor a plant of equal value.

Good Growing,
Its a beautiful plant. Like Kenny, I have nothing to trade :/ Someday!
Naturally, Nepenthes fusca's health just HAS to hit an all-time low when people decide to start trading their Nepenthes.
Alas! Nor do I have anything worthy of trading for such a beautiful specimen...
I would be interested Paul. I will get a trade list together and PM you later today.