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I have a Truncata that is out of control. Has anyone ever grown from cuttings off a mature plant? The vine is like an inch in diameter.
I'm almost certain someone has... I was under the impression that mature plants were the best material for cuttings. I'd go for it - at the very least it'll force your existing plant to grow more compactly.
Michael Catalani once told me (CPJungle) that they strike very easy from mature "trunk" cuttings. They just take a looooong time to root and establish. He recommends using tree loppers to perform a successful cutting!
If the vine is that thick, air layering might be a good option to use.
Thanks guys... I'll keep you posted.
My highland truncata just made two basal shoots (it was a long wait). Since the current vine is looking a bit rough from a winter where I didn't really have anywhere to put it, I'm going to try some cuttings soon, so I'm glad you asked the question. If it takes a long time I'll probably wait until I have some greenhouse-y conditions to root them in.