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The Miracle of Life


The Snake Charmer
The gift of life is the best gift of them all.. ('coz love is the greatest? @_@)

Picked up this egg during my vacation in one of the tropical paradises in South-east Asia. Only God knows what's inside. I found it inside a hollow tree stump.


3 weeks later... Boom! Thank goodness it's not a cobra! Lol


A few hours after force hatching/egg C-section. The egg was starting to mold and catch a lot of unwanted fungal growths



Starting to act normal


At 2 days old, this one's a hearty-eater :D


Released the fella back into the wild. Sad to see it go but that's how it should be :D

Besides, I already have an adult version of him/her. Right, Fido? :D


Enjoy the rest of your weekend guys! :)
I like the big eyes! what species is that?
Very large eyes/heads. They look like aliens dude
Hahaha! It is called a Dog-toothed Cat-eyed Snake (Boiga cynodon)..

Pretty common with exotic snake keepers in Europe
Thank goodness it wasn't a CHICKEN!
Nah, even as 7-feet adults the biggest prey they'd consume in the wild would probably be fruit doves and bats. They'd prefer eating chicken eggs as well
Gorgeous animals, both of them! That means there's another snake on the list of must-haves when I get my own house.... the striping almost reminds me of the pattern of the Mandarin rat snakes....
They do mimic ratsnakes and reticulated pythons but their diet is focused more on birds and eggs :D
They're readily available in UK/EU, dunno in the US though