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Terrarium and a Cephalous

  • Thread starter Sage269
  • Start date
Here is my small terrarium. I have 5 pots going through a foam board to make an internal water tray setup. The top layer of moss / peat is wet to damp depending on how far from the bottom it is.

I would like to add a Cephalous to this tank. If I use 2 parts sand to 1 part peat, how many inches deep do I need to get from the wet area to grow these? Would building a foam box with 1/4 to 1/2 of the bottom closed off and sitting on the wet moss work? Again how deep should the sand / peat layer be in this type of setup.

I am going to widen the vents to get the humidity down to just below 80% for this system.



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Another way to think about it is how long are the roots?