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Sweet DIY spectrum analysis

  • Thread starter Av8tor1
  • Start date
Talk about awesome. Have you built one and/or used one yet for any purposes? Thanks for sharing. Although I can't think of a practical application in my current life, I still am tempted to build it just for the fun of it.

I think it is so awesome when science techniques and equipment become more accessible to the general population.

I have several spectrometers I use to compare light bulbs with, but even my best only gave me the wavelength, not the relative power of each wavelength.
This little setup does that accurately and on the cheap!!

If we as a community started building a history of what profile best grew nepenthes, or heli, etc... then the performance of a new light system (as far as spectral performance) for a specific genus/species would be very predictable.

as little as 10 bucks, or even free if you roll your own.

I don't have one, but I will soon.
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