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Sundews dying after flowering


Is it normal for some Sundews to die after they flower? Not taking into account the annual sundews such as Burmannii.

I have had my Venusta and some of my Binata die after flowering. Now I am to afraid of letting any of my other sundews flower as I don't want them to die.

Just a note about the Venusta, it did not produce any seed but a million small plants grew from the dead plants leaves which touched the medium.
Binata did produce seeds and is growing small plants everywhere.
If they are not being fed heavily enough to recover their energy after flowering many species often will die back. Normally the leaves die and the growth point stays fine, from which new growth eventually emerges (spatulata and tokaiensis are notorious for this), but if something's wrong with the conditions any species may get hit hard by a flowering.
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It happened to my nidiformis but I think it happens more commonly with that species. My venusta grown in the same conditions sometimes go into decline after flowering but they've never died after flowering.
I agree that Venusta seems to decline after flowering so I pinch the stalks off mine.Its no great loss as the flowers are not that spectacular if I remember correctly(ha and thats a venusta in my avatar):-D
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