Is it normal for some Sundews to die after they flower? Not taking into account the annual sundews such as Burmannii.
I have had my Venusta and some of my Binata die after flowering. Now I am to afraid of letting any of my other sundews flower as I don't want them to die.
Just a note about the Venusta, it did not produce any seed but a million small plants grew from the dead plants leaves which touched the medium.
Binata did produce seeds and is growing small plants everywhere.
Is it normal for some Sundews to die after they flower? Not taking into account the annual sundews such as Burmannii.
I have had my Venusta and some of my Binata die after flowering. Now I am to afraid of letting any of my other sundews flower as I don't want them to die.
Just a note about the Venusta, it did not produce any seed but a million small plants grew from the dead plants leaves which touched the medium.
Binata did produce seeds and is growing small plants everywhere.