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Solexx vs. Polyethelene, Polycarbonate, . . .

. . . Poly wanna cracker . . .

Hiya All-

My missus and I wanna put up a greenhouse in the backyard (of course i'm the one doing all the research) and I was thinking of going with a Solexx GH. It supposedly has a great insulation properties (check out website), guaranteed for 8 years, does no yellow under sun, blah, blah, blah.

Do any of you folks have any experience with Solexx and how does it compare with other types of GH's that use polyethelene, polycarbonate and other GH coverings?

Or if you folks suggest other brands of GH's please enlighten me.

By the way, my wife will have one side with orchids and I will have one side of low land neps and we were looking around an '8 x '16 GH.

Good Growing Everyone,