This thread is inspired firstly by my undying love for N. glandulifera and its kin, but also by the aristolochioides hybrid thread and the success it has had.
I have grown three N. glandulifera hybrids so far and I gotta say I have liked all of them a lot. N. glandulifera seems to consistently give its offspring a decent amount of hair all over the leaves and always the ubiquitous glands covering the whole plant.
So here are a few I have grown, but I would love to see anyone and everyone's glandulifera hybrids they have ever grown.
N. glandulifera x boschiana

N. ventricosa x glandulifera

N. talangensis x glandulifera

I have grown three N. glandulifera hybrids so far and I gotta say I have liked all of them a lot. N. glandulifera seems to consistently give its offspring a decent amount of hair all over the leaves and always the ubiquitous glands covering the whole plant.
So here are a few I have grown, but I would love to see anyone and everyone's glandulifera hybrids they have ever grown.
N. glandulifera x boschiana

N. ventricosa x glandulifera

N. talangensis x glandulifera