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seeking Heliamphora pollen will split seeds or put them in vitro for you

My tatei Cerro Duida is in bud again. Selfing this one does not yield viable seed. I'm looking for tatei pollen from another location, pulchella pollen, neblinae pollen or something else beautiful. I also have folliculata Murosipan in bud, could use folliculata pollen from a different location. Also have xTequila in bud, you get the idea. will split seeds or put them in vitro for you. Not interested in minor or heterodoxa x minor pollen. lmk thanks

wow that plant is a beauty how long is heli pollen viable? i have heterodoxa x nutans flowered a couple months ago. also have a tuning fork, but have never tried for seeds
If you leave the dry pollen on the counter, at least a few weeks, if you refrigerate it, at least 6 weeks, if you freeze it, at least a year. I believe I've found donors for all of my flowers. I've never tried to self heterodoxa x nutans but it should yield seeds, I would expect viable.