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Sarracenia ID

hey I have another batch to ID. When I went to move them I noticed the tags are worn :( 2 I am fairly certain about and the third I have a general idea. As before all these are known cultivars so ID shouldn't be too bad.....just not veteran enough yet to know by looking at them.

first up I believe is an alata typical


next up I believe is a rubra typical but could be a variant.


lastly is a rubra variant or ssp........im thinking wherri maybe? but could be another one. gulf maybe? alabamensis? thoughts?


I'd agree with the first two, though maybe number 2 is leaning more toward the lines of gulfensis. The 3rd reminds me a great deal of my alabamensis.
you are probably correct. i have traded for an alabamensis just when i got it all the pitchers were cut and it was dormant. I have also traded for a gulfensis but was fairly certain it was the typical i traded for a while back.....must mean the typical is lurking in my other planter. def need to continue to move forward with potting individually or 3 or less to a pot which is a necessity as they grow in size. thx for the input btw