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Was it treated with a sulfur based fungicide prior to you obtaining it? When it dries it can look like that.
Otherwise check for mealybugs.
It looks similar to a fungus infection that took several years to get rid that I had. It had an affinity for Cephalotus and Sarracenia rubra and rubra hybrids. If it is you'll need some heavy duty systemic fungicides like Cleary 336 or Bayer Advanced Disease Control. Cleary is a professional product so you won't find it off the shelf in your garden center.
Jeez, I can ask the seller. Really don't want either of those at all. Should I keep it away from other plants? They all currently reside in my apartment on sils and under fluorescents.
At this time of year, Sarracenia can be subject to mildew on the foliage. That looks like a very severe case of Mildew. I'm guessing the plant is in a place where it gets no air movement? That will quickly turn a bit of Mildew into a severe problem.
Never done it - don't have an opinion, really. I have thousands of seedling Sarracenia in various stages of development. I'm in no hurry to rush them all to adulthood, so they get normal daylength and a full winter dormancy.
Hang on one second. This plant was recently shipped, correct? It's definitely not mealybugs or sulfur (sulfur isn't fuzzy) and probably not mildew. Probably a kind of Botrytis.
What I've had happen is that the dead bugs in Sarrs will mold while in the stagnancy of shipping and eventually mold the leaf. I just clip the leaves if this happens. Provide full sun and excellent air circulation. Get a fan if they're inside.
you'll need some heavy duty systemic fungicides like Cleary 336 or Bayer Advanced Disease Control. Cleary is a professional product so you won't find it off the shelf in your garden center.
Thiomyl is the generic version of Clearys 3336. Clearys is available online but it's very expensive. Thiomyl is typically more affordable. I've found it on amazon.com and elsewhere.
I've had a similar white growth that seemed to affect the high nectar areas of a number of my Sarracenias last winter in the greenhouse. It didn't spread, and didn't kill any pitchers. Treating with systemic fungicide as a preventative isn't a bad idea, however.
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