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recent sarr givaway. (less than 6 months ago)


Cardiac Nurse
I recieved a sarr for postage recently. Within the past 6months. I believe it is an alata, but not 100%. I know its not Covington, LA but it had location data. I've given myself a headache looking for the thread. Idk where it went. If someone could help shed light on this it would be greatly appreciated. The Starr came unlabeled and I forgot to label it right away and cleaned out pm box before realizing I hadn't labeled it yet.

only one i remember was a giveaway flytraplady5 had but it was less than 6 months i believe. Hope it helps but probably will not :(
No it was a guy. I would have remembered Lois. It was for alata I'm sure. But had location data. Maybe it was another board.
Ha ha I feel like an idiot. It was on another board. Just found it. Thanks Bobby.
Yeah it was actually. Thought it was another local though. For some reason. I'll be paying it forward after growing it a lil larger.
ithe ones i recieved are showing sings of heavy veining>