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Questions for planting and potting

I need to know everything my questions are...

My one plant is, the biggest part, 7 1/2 CM

the pot is 4 cm wide and 5 cm deep...

i want to put my plant into a huge pot/terrarium...is it bad to plant a small plant in a lot of soil (larger pot)

also i want to plant more v.f.t.s in that same terrarium

is this bad?

i want to plant other carnivorous plants in the same terrarium also...

is it bad to mix the different types of carnivorous plants in the same terrarium...

if i am growing indoors in a terrarium what type of light should i use as sunlight and stuff...

thank you in advance
<span style='font-size:27pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!!!</span></span>

Question #1: your VFT will be fine planted in a big pot. A VFT in a really big pot won't hurt the VFT any more than a human in a really big city will hurt the human!

Question #2: your VFT will be fine planted with others.

Question #3: it's okay to mix different CPs together. Pitcher plants do best planted with VFTs.

Question #4: I'm not really sure... I'll let the terrarium pros here answer that question

Hope this helps and good luck!
I have fed my fly trap an and and a flying ant and a fly...they were all dead cept for one fly...it didnt eat any of them...why is this and howcome its not eating?
Looks like you got an answer to that in your other post
your question will soon be answer in a topic that is about to be posted . your lucky numbers are 7 8 14 26 39 56 . lol , i actually got that from a fortune cookie that i'm eating right now .