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Preventing root rot!

  • Thread starter wezx
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hey i have read some topics about root rot and im quite worried bout my plant having it...how do i prevent it?
Roots rot from the action of bacteria. Anaerobic (without oxygen) decomposition tends to take place in overly wet, dense mediums where the plants sit too long in stagnant water. Clean mediums, pure water, and good drainage are all good housekeeping measures. Drainage may be improved by placing a 1/2 to 1 inch layer of porous medium at the bottom of the pot. Of late I have been using red cedar mulch since it has some aniseptic properties with good effect. Oxygenation around the roots is the aim.
Flushing the pots is also good as it removes nitrients that support this bacteria to begin with, as well as providing oxygen to the roots. Occasionally allowing the water tray to dry for a day will also help.