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Popped a pitcher lid by accident?!

Ok, so normally, a Nepenthes pitcher will inflate until it reaches the point where it will open, then the lid will pop open, then the peristome flattens and rolls over and good stuff happens...But what if, hypothetically, one was to accidentally "pop" the pitcher lid open open before the pitcher was done developing? Would the plant abort the pitcher, keep growing, or develop the pitcher at the size it was at? You see, I had an "incident" in my terrarium last night, where a bottle of ice fell on top of a half - developed pitcher on my N. spathulata x platychila. The pitcher was mostly undamaged, but apparently the pressure the bottle put on it was enough to make the lid pop open. Any help would be appreciated, that pitcher took a month to grow!

I wouldn't worry about it. It will be fine. I would imagine that that sort of stuff happens in situ all the time (although not with water bottles...). If the lid popped, my guess is that it was ready to pop anyway.

If the lid isn't ready to open, then any pressure causing it to do so would probably rip the lid and possibly the upper part of the pitcher, in my experience. It would seem yours is just about at opening stage if it just kind of "popped" from pressure.
I no it's not a nep but I pinched open a pitcher on a ceph and it just topped growing but it was fine
If it didn't rip, I call that a mission success.
My girlfriend does this on purpose to my neps because "they're fun when they pop."

I just make sure to make her wait until they're just about done before she does it.
I think your girlfriend is jealous of your plants! I know mine isn't the biggest fan of the competition for my attention :p.