TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Fertilizers can be used, but at about ¼ or less of their usual concentration. They should only be applied to the leaves. Most people don't use them as it's too easy to use too much or have it build up over time and kill the VFT. Some people use Superthrive with good results, but I haven't noticed any improvement with my plants. It is used per the instructions on the bottle. Since it does contain vitamin B1 it can help your plants roots recover from transplant shock.
The best thing to do is give it lots of light, keep it watered, and feed it the occasional bug or let it catch it's own outside.
edited @ 7:17 9-7-02
Dangit jaie, that does it! I'm takeing a speed typing course!! j/k
You know I only do it to frustrate you!
I see where you are posting and come on in and.....
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