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Pitcher Plants for Shipping

Hello all, I received about 4-5 years ago some S. alata 'Covington, LA' plants and they have grown quite well for me. Interestingly enough, several years ago I had some spare plants and put them in a bucket of water and they amazingly have been living for 2 years in a bucket of just tap water (which is pretty amazing). Needless to say, they are very hardy plants having survived my experiments. As far as cold hardiness goes, they have survived being frozen solid, snow, and temps as low as 10F here in NC so they seem to be very hardy.

Needless to say, I now have too many to keep up with and divided a good portion of them this week. I am offering up enough for 5 people to grow. I want these to go to more experienced growers who will also spread them around to others in the coming years. I will charge only for the shipping cost, being a college student I can't afford to give them away for free, so all I ask is for shipping charges to be reimbursed. I have enough for the first 5 people to post here and PM me. I have enough for 2 medium boxes ($12 for shipping) and 3 small boxes ($7 for shipping). I will be shipping these out tomorrow afternoon.


1. Kayota
2. lance (small box)
3. FBImurders (small box)
4. land_pro (small box)
5. ohturtle (small box)

That's it, this can now be locked as I've filled the amount I have available.
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Hi, I'm interested in your plants! I am not extremely experienced but I had sarracenias for four years before I lost them all in the summer heat, in part due to negligence but mostly due to the 100+ temps here in the midwest which evaporated the water within hours of putting it in--very frustrating. Would you be willing to ship me a plant? I will keep up on the watering this time! I really miss my plants :(
Sure, just send me a PM! Four more are open!
PMed :)
Hi Dewy looks to be all spoken for bu if not I would be interested
All plants are taken, for those who haven't PM'ed me your address, please do so ASAP so I can get the plants out in the mail.