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There is no maximum limit that they wont tollerate outdoors, but the lower the number of hours they get the less colour you get, till the turn all green, at which point you know they are not getting enough light.
Weird steve. I used to have an old terrarium with vfts in it. They were grown under some fluro bulb..
They always had green mouths, but every time they got fed, they got redder and redder.
Hi NemJones
I must confess, being an outdoor Sarracenia grower my thoughts immediatly sprang to Sarracenia rather than other types of CPs, apologies for that, i do get Sarracenia centric I'm afraid.
I would guess that the VFT plant in that case is producing anthocyanins as a result of the addition of nutrient, rather than as normally occurs, as a response to protect themselves from ultra violet light. BUT I dont know enough to be sure perhaps there is someone on the forum who could let me know, please.
My bog garden (Zone 5) has various Sarracenias and some VFT's. It gets blasted with sunlight - over 12 hours a day during the height of summer. It gets NO shade at all. Sundews seem pretty tolerant of it, too, but I don't have anything cold hardy in there yet.
Not all CP's like quite that much sun. My understanding of Nepenthes (Which I do not keep outdoors) is that they need shade during hottest hours of the day. They are understory jungle plants.
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